Complete the Missions’ Trip Application (Only required one time) Name * First Name Last Name Email * Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Phone (###) ### #### Gender * Male Female Marital Status * Single Married Date of Birth * MM DD YYYY Valid Passport * If you answered "No" please start the process of obtaining a passport at https:/ Yes No Have you traveled internationally? * Yes No If yes, please list the countries, purpose and duration. * Name of Home Church and number of years attending * If you don't attend River of Life, please provide a Pastoral Reference with name, email and relationship What LifeGroups or ministries are you a part of? * Why do you want to go on this missions' trip and how has God been leading you in this direction? Please list any concerns you have about joining this trip. * Briefly explain what you hope to see the Lord do in and through you on this missions' trip. * What is your t-shirt size? * S M L XL 2X 3X 4X 5X Thank you! We will review your application and get back with you as soon as possible.