Sunday Service l May 1 l River of Life Church in Fredericksburg VA

Join us as we study the biblical basis for missions and the foundation for the great commission, advocate for urgency to finish the task with unreached people groups, and discuss the call to make disciples locally and on the frontier. Read below for next steps!

Ready to go?

There are many great missions agencies out there and one we have partnered with is LiveDead. We're confident they can train you to plant churches in the frontier.

Contact them at Live Dead is committed to taking the church where it does not exist. We are committed to making a difference in the statistic that 40% of the world lives without access to Christ. Live Dead’s strategy to execute this vision is to plant churches among unreached people groups through multi-national teams. Whatever our engagement, our goal is churches.

Ready to make your hometown your mission field?

Here are a few books we believe will give you vision on how to do this: 1. Building a Discipling Culture by Mike Breen 2. Multiply by Francis Chan 3. Radical by David Platt 4. Not a Fan by Kyle Idleman

Resources for statistics:

Infographics/Maps from

State of the World

Ways to compare countries by most need for missions work:

% Christian in USA

% Christian in Iraq

When praying about where to go or invest in missions it's advised to use the resources above, then first aim towards countries which have less than 2% evangelical population.

A church near you in Fredericksburg VA

Join us for a powerful time of worship, the return of a legend, and a message about compromise that will change your life as we continue our series VII.

We are a thriving online and in-person gathering church located in Spotsylvania, Virginia, just outside Fredericksburg, VA. We also have a growing micro church movement that equips families and individuals anywhere to join us in making a discipleship-driven impact within our direct community. 

We'd love to have you join us in the mission to know God and make Him known! 

If you're interested in making your first visit or learning more about our church then start here:

If you have any questions, or if you made a decision to follow Jesus today we would love to hear from you! Simply contact us at and let us know how we can come alongside you!

Jesus is worth it all friends!

Your church in Fredericksburg, VA - River of Life

#rolva #churchonline #churchinperson #homechurchmovement 


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LIVE services every Sunday at 10 AM on Youtube & Facebook. We'll see you there!


Mother's Day l May 8 l Church in Fredericksburg VA at River of Life


Sunday Service on Missions l April 24 | Church in Fredericksburg VA at River of Life